Elo regressor algorithm (elora)
Author: J. Scott Moreland
Language: Python
Source code: github:morelandjs/elora
is a simple paired comparison model, loosely based on the
model, that regresses sequential comparison data with continuous (non-categorical)
response variables.
Quick start¶
Requirements: Python 2.7 or 3.3+ with numpy and scipy.
Install the latest release with pip:
pip install elora
Example usage:
import pkgutil
import numpy as np
from elora import Elora
# the package comes pre-bundled with an example dataset
pkgdata = pkgutil.get_data('elora', 'nfl.dat').splitlines()
dates, teams_home, scores_home, teams_away, scores_away = zip(
*[l.split() for l in pkgdata[1:]])
# define a binary comparison statistic
spreads = [int(h) - int(a) for h, a
in zip(scores_home, scores_away)]
# subclass the elora estimator to modify default behavior (optional)
class EloraNFL(Elora):
def regression_coeff(self, elapsed_time):
elapsed_days = elapsed_time / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
return .6 if elapsed_days > 90 else 1
# instantiate the estimator class object
nfl_spreads = EloraNFL(0.07, scale=13.5, commutes=False)
# fit the estimator to the training data
nfl_spreads.fit(dates, teams_home, teams_away, spreads)
# specify a comparison time
time = nfl_spreads.last_update_time
# predict the mean outcome at that time
mean = nfl_spreads.mean(time, 'CLE', 'KC')
print('CLE VS KC: {}'.format(mean))
# rank nfl teams at end of 2018 regular season
rankings = nfl_spreads.rank(time)
for team, rank in rankings:
print('{}: {}'.format(team, rank))
User guide